All the neat tricks and fun stuff you see in my sites are a result of frequent visits to these (and other) sites:
My favorite place for stupid web tricks is C-net. Since it was the first of its kind that I visited, I feel some loyalty to it.
Then there's . Dynamic Drive has useful scripts and lots more, all they ask is that you copy their script and not edit the part where they put their name. No problem!
Website Abstraction has some script, lots of links and helpful advice.
No site is better than for freeware and shareware. That's where I got my HTML editor
and where I bought my domain name.
My site is hosted by Hypermart, and they've been nice to me. They offer free webhosting if you don't mind the pop-up stuff.
I haven't fully explored KaosWeaver yet, but there you can find free scripts and most important, updates. Again, they ask only that you give them the credit where is due.
The fonts I found at Fontastic were different and more important, free! Check it out.
I hope you enjoyed it all!