Part Three
We retrieved the camera, and headed out. This year's memento was a pop-up book, Flicks, How The Movies Began. Going outside
, the Red carpet didn't look as distinguished anymore. We called our driver, and took some more pictures
. Time for our portraits next to the Golden Guy.
The traffic to the party was more than we thought possible in Los Angeles. After 45 minutes, we arrived at the party, which already showed signs of winding down at 12:30. The bar looked friendly,so that's where we headed
. The music was loud, the dance floor crowded, the crowd weird
- everything an LA party should be! François, Krista and Steve found Katherine Stefani
and after a brief chat, we decided that it was time to call it quits. We called our driver and decided to breathe, so went outside. Our driver took a little bit to arrive, tempting us girls to walk to the Vanity Fair bash just down the street. But common sense prevailed - as it does when you wear high heels - and we stayed put.
It was a short ride back to the hotel to drop off both couples, and Steve and I headed home - and reality - in Huntington Beach. We got home at 2 am. Not a bad 12 hour period!
Go back to the Slater Home!
We'd love suggestions on cool links, wines, recipes and music for our evenings!